We had our 14 week appt yesterday. It was bittersweet, since I had learned the day before that one of my good friends had miscarried. She was 11 weeks. I always am a little nervous before our ultrasounds, but hearing about that the day before made me extra nervous. Luckily though, the blueberry is fine and doing well. It's the size of a peach now. It's heartrate was 154bpm (down 1bpm from 2 weeks ago) and it rolled completely over while he was doing the U/S. Here are the pics we got this time.

Arms and legs!!

Good profile shot!

I think this was taken at 13 weeks. Definitely starting to show.

In Amarillo, TX

Maxi pad


Sadie and her bone, before she stole Ollie's

Ollie and his bone, before Sadie stole it.

The weinas testing out the running stroller that my parents got us. Only $100!!!
That's all for now. Hope you all have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for ALL of you!
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