My least favorite thing about March is that it is "mustache march" for Mark. For the non-military readers, in the pilot community of the military everyone grows (or tries to grow) a mustache during the entire month of March. It's kind of a contest I guess, or a bonding thing maybe (don't ask me how you "bond" when you grow mustaches together because it is beyond me), but mainly they end up looking like a bunch of child molesters. And people that aren't associated with the military give them lots of weird looks. So for the "mustache" aspect of March alone, I hope this month is over quickly.
This Friday my work is having a joint baby shower for me and my co-worker, Elyse, who is 7 weeks ahead of me in her pregnancy. I'm excited because it'll be my first baby shower. And then on Sunday my (military) friends here are throwing us a baby shower and I'm really excited about that too.
Above is a shot of some of the clothes we have for Abbie. (By the way, we're 95% sure we'll be naming her Abbigale Rose.) Mark says she already has more clothes than he does.
My stretch marks on my belly are pretty much out of control. And recently they've started itching like CRAZY!!! It seems like every day I get another one somewhere and there are two clusters of them on either side of my belly button. I guess the plus side is that my belly is so big now I can't really see them unless I look in a mirror. I'm praying to God they go away after she's born. Mark says he'll love me either way. =)
This week I am going to start the ring slings that I bought the materials for 2 months ago. I am bound and determined to at least have them started before my sewing class on Wednesday. I don't really know why I'm so nervous about starting them because theoretically they don't seem all that complicated to make, but I am nervous. Here's the material we picked out for them Mark picked out the teal ones and I picked out the pink ones. The material with the pattern on it will be the outside of the slings and the solid colors will be the inside of the slings.
And I wanted to add a picture of my nails. I've never in my life been able to grow decent nails because the break pretty easily, so I wanted proof that I had decent nails. I gave myself a french manicure last night.
I like that house. It's big!
Hey Monica!
LOVE the cute picture of the fur babies!! I can't believe it's March either. We had our second snow "storm" of the winter yesterday. Whoo hoo!
I love the house and I'm so glad that you posted (46!) pictures. I am amused that there is a tiny bit of grass IN THE DESERT. You should maybe just take that out and xeriscape back there. Probably less of a headache than trying to water grass, as I said, in the desert! I can't wait to visit. How's January?
You'll have to post picture of the madness of Mark's March military mustache. (ha!)
I think you should name her Abbigale Rose Blue Browning since you've been calling her "Blueberry" this whole time. Tee hee.
I like your sling materials! What kind of fabric is it? YOU CAN DO IT!!!
The slings will look great!
What kind of cloth diapers are those? We're going back to all cloth - mostly Fuzzi Bunz.
You can do my nails anytime ;)
oh my goodness you have nails!! how did that happen? lol they look good! I can't believe Mark is growing a mustache!! My Hubbie decided to grow facial hair on our honeymoon since he isnt allowed to have it at work and I looked forward to his face touching a razor. So good luck with that! I think Abbie has more clothes that me! I'm jealous that I won't be at any of your baby showers I can't wait for you to blog all about them. Just out of curiosity where do you find cloth diapers now a days? The fabric/colors for the sligs are pretty and good luck with them I know you will do fine... but one more question since i'm not baby savy what are the slings for?
Super Cute house!
My nails were often long and strong during my pregnancy too.
I second the call for a mustachio pic as well as blue as a middle name (bleu), :)
yay for baby showers!
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