Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Visiting cousins

Last weekend, my parents and I drove down to Peoria, IL for a quick visit with my cousins (and so my dad could sell one of his motorcycles).  It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen my cousins, and Abbie had lots of fun trying to keep up with the older kids.
Abbie with Ruth and KyleIMG_3029
Petting Livvy, the dog.IMG_3032
Ruth was a very big help with Abbie.  She loved entertaining her and changing her.  I remember being the same way with Ruth when she was Abbie’s age.  That makes me feel old.
Visits with people you haven’t seen in a long time always seem to go by way to quickly.  I’m hoping we’ll get to go back and visit them before Abbie and I head back to the States.  My cousin Marc knows a lot about photography so I would love to have him teach me some more about my camera.

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