Oh Ben. It's hard to believe you're already six years old! You've grown so much this past year!
You are still my very tall boy and you're still built just like your daddy. I need to measure you to get your height but you went through a spurt this year where you grew at least 2 inches in 2 months. Your feet are a size 13/1 and you wear a 6/7. I have to tighten your pants as far as they will go because you're so skinny, but you need the length.

You are such a shy boy. You are pretty reserved most of the time, unless you are upset, and then look out. You can still throw some epic fits with screaming and yelling and your feelings get hurt VERY easily. I think you are more of an only child stuck in a big family sometimes. You like your time and your space and you fight like crazy with both Abbie and Jamison. They know how to push your buttons and you know how to push theirs and you do it to each other quite frequently.

Right now, you are our challenging kiddo. You have a very negative outlook on pretty much everything. If things don't go exactly your way you use the word "never" a lot. "I'll NEVER get to do it." You don't like to help me (or anyone) with much of anything and when I ask you to help you always say "I'm not a good helper." If we ask you to read something or a question you don't know you say things like "I'm too dumb." If we get on to you about misbehaving you say things like "I'm a bad boy." Or "I'm not good." Or "You don't like/love me.". We are kind of at a loss as to how to handle this situation. You won't ever say "I love you" back to us when we tell you we love you and there have been many times I've wondered if there is some diagnosis of something for you. Other times you're perfectly fine. I'm not exactly sure what's going on but we're going to figure it out.

I love you, Buddy. You are such a mystery to me sometimes, but I hope that you always know how much I love you, even if I don't exactly understand you at times. Here's to our next year of growth together!

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