I took these pictures right after we got back from the States and have been meaning to blog about them for the past month. Time is just flying by right now, it’s crazy!!
The plants in the front of our house are somewhat out of control. Admittedly, I have NO clue how to trim roses or my rosemary plant that is taking over. I trimmed the rosemary bush WAY back, but it’s growing like crazy again. And Mark put mulch down and we pulled all the weeds. Looks much better!
I don’t know what this flower is, but it smells AMAZING! We can open our front door or front windows and it makes the whole living room smell good when it’s in bloom. (Right now they’re all dying and falling off the vines and getting EVERYWHERE!)
This is my wisteria that I planted on our fence. It started with two small plants and is now much bigger. And in the past month since I took this picture, it’s probably grown twice as big as this. I decided to plant some flowers underneath them.
Here are a few pictures of some of the flowers I planted below the wisteria.
I got the area for my garden ready and filled it mostly with beans, since we eat them a lot. I planted a few carrots and onions too, and also some squash. I tried to plant some tomato plants, but I don’t think any of them are growing.
(a week after planting my beans)
I started my squash out in a pot but then decided to move it to the hill behind our house. It sprouted pretty quickly, and now these plants are over a foot tall!
Can anyone tell me how to deal with my rose bushes? They produce beautiful flowers for a little bit, but they’re really out of control and I don’t exactly know how to control them. And how do I keep the petals from falling off and getting all over everything else?